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Friday, April 30, 2010

My New Hobby -- Knitting!

(photo: my current project -- baby blankie of my own design -- Stockinette on an angle)

A few years ago, I was reading a Mary Hunt article on spending and saving and it inspired me to pick up (of all things) the art of knitting.

In the article she was saying that knitting has only two stitches: knit and purl. Well, I thought that I should surely be able to handle two simple stitches. After all, I had learned to crochet when I was only seven, so how hard could this really be? I'd tried it in the past and failed miserably, but this time I was determined.

The first thing I did was spend about twenty bucks at the local craft store for a “teach yourself to knit” kit. It took a few tries to get it figured out, but finally, I managed to do it! At this point, I had quite a bit of scrap yarn here and there (as I mentioned, I've crocheted for years), so I didn't have to plunk down any more than the initial twenty dollars for the learning kit. Using said scrap yarn, I made a tiny scarf for a teddy bear and went from there. Next, I made a small blanket that I use for my daycare babies. I learned from those projects that knitting in certain stitches causes curling. I decided to keep at it, and using a pattern from a local craft store (and not especially cheap yarn -- do not try this at home), I made a lapghan (aka. miniature afghan) in a weekend when my husband, Dave, and I had a little getaway planned. This was especially thrilling, and the knitting bug has been firmly implanted in my heart ever since. I wouldn't say I am great at it, but that hasn't made it any less enjoyable for me.

I strongly encourage you to consider learning this time honored craft (and/or crochet, which I found easier to pick up). Should you choose to accept this mission, here are some ways to keep it from costing you a fortune.

I. Never buy a pattern unless it's something really unique. The web has possibly hundreds of thousands of free patterns out there for the taking. Many committed artisans happily share their discoveries for nothing more than a few minutes on their sites. I recommend searching the words “free knit pattern” for starters and go from there. In addition, you can get lots of free patterns right at the craft store. On the yarn bins, you'll see little pads of them hanging all over the place. If you aren't sure what to look for, feel free to ask a sales associate and they will cheerfully assist you in finding free resources like these. And, of course, check your local library. I have checked out probably at least fifty knitting pattern and stitch books, just to learn as much as I could about the craft; what techniques I would like to try, and pitfalls to avoid.

II. Yarn and supplies can be expensive, so I've learned a few ways to keep spending for my knitting hobby from getting out of control.

      1. Accept freebies: friends and relatives frequently have skeins of yarn tucked away from some unfinished (or un-started) project that they would love for someone to be able to enjoy. Chances are, they probably have a nice pattern or book to go along with it, so feel free to send out a mass email and ask.

      2. Hit garage sales and thrift stores. Many a kind person has donated unused items of this nature to the greater good. Take advantage of it and keep your eyes peeled. You may want to really save time and just ask at the front if the sales associate is aware of any supplies for sale in the store. I once happened on a huge cache of extra long knitting needles complete with storage case for less than fifteen bucks! The retail value of this find was well beyond two hundred dollars.

      3. Don't rush out to buy your needles at high retail prices. Like yarn and patterns, many knit and crochet needles find their way to a resale store or garage sale, so a little patience will serve you well. If you're looking for a specific size, post on craigslist or check Ebay, Amazon, etcetera – and again, ask friends, family, and neighbors. Remember that people also donate all sorts of other notions like stitch markers. Patience on this will be your best ally in obtaining supplies. Also, try to adapt a pattern to a needle size you already own using the gauge at the beginning of the pattern.

      4. Think twice before purchasing anything. Just because something is not retail price does not mean that you will use it. Remember the knitting needles I found? Well, I didn't need two dozen sets of extra long knitting needles, so – while it was a steal of a price – I let that deal go to someone who could really use it. I thought of it as an act of kindness not to buy them which helped me avoid feeling like I'd missed out on a great deal. I have not regretted passing them up for a moment. Instead, as mentioned above, I have been able to use my single set of extra long needles and adapt for my purposes. Since this is one of my hobbies, and not a source of income for me, I choose not to make too many "investments".

      5. The most awesome idea I've ever seen for getting super cheap yarn is to recycle old yarn items. There are a number of articles online about this, but the gist of it is to unravel old sweaters, afghans, etcetera and utilize the yarn for a new purpose! I must admit that I don't use yarn fast enough to have ever needed this tactic, but it's a great idea and I'd love to hear about your recycled yarn projects!

III. Stick with beginner level projects, if you are a beginner. There is a reason you can find so many wonderful patterns and unfinished projects in thrift store bins – it's because someone bit off more than they could chew. Luckily, most patterns will clearly tell you how difficult they are by some sort of ranking system. This is another fantastic reason to use online resources because if you find something a little daunting, you haven't lost anything in the trying. If I am trying out a new technique, I always start with yarn I have on hand to see if I can even do it, much less enjoy it.

Like all thrifty living techniques, yarn craft can be a wonderful addition to your repertoire of skills and also a super fun hobby to enjoy. There's nothing more rewarding for me than sitting down to a movie with my family and seeing all my little ducklings tucked under my own personally hand made projects! I also find that having a yarn craft on my lap in winter months gives me a real sense of satisfaction – especially when I finish the project!

Finally, passing down yarn crafts in the family gives a real feeling of heritage that I find thrilling. My sister in law wraps her boys up every winter in scarves made by her grandmother that several generations of children have now used. I crocheted a very large afghan in high school that my kids still enjoy using today. What a wonderful way to bless yourself and your family and friends; and if it's done with a little forethought, it will add and not subtract from your overall bottom line.

Happy (and thrifty) Homesteading!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Bread Bowls

I made these a few weeks ago. I used a roll recipe from Dave's parents and my bread maker to knead the dough. After the dough rose for a few minutes in the machine, I chopped it into four equal pieces (still way too big I found out), and let them rise in the oven with a warm glass of water and the light on -- on my baking stones. The soup was a wing-it experiment that I tried after having a freebie meal at my daughter's new job. I recommend that you use a favorite creamy soup recipe or find one online. I would call this home made chicken enchilada. If you're too scared to try your own soup, at least give a good bread recipe a try and (gasp) use a canned cream soup for starters. Next time, be adventurous and try your own soup recipe.

Mmmmmmm! It tastes even better when you realize you could have easily spent forty bucks feeding your family the same meal at a restaurant. My total ingredient cost was less than five dollars!

Happy Homesteading!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

I just finished reading Jeff Yeager's book The Ultimate Cheapskate's Road Map to True Riches. It gave me a few new points to ponder that I hadn't really thought much about before, if at all.

Jeff talks about a thing he calls "The Money Steps". To sum up my understanding of this concept, think of yourself on a treadmill and you're just walking for the sake of doing it. We get a job, we earn money, we buy stuff. Repeat. It starts to get a little ridiculous in my opinion and I'm definitely not talking about everybody else out there. I have fallen prey to this ideology many, many times. Reading this book made me realize how much of my life I have given away for the "privilege" of pure consumerism. The funny thing is, after earning and spending and scraping and debting for over 20 adult years, I might have ten possessions that I truly value and the rest of them are mostly in my way. It makes me think more about the concept of a road map in terms of goals and what I would like to accomplish in the future. I think far too few people stop and ask themselves "What do I want?"

For me, I want to be entirely debt free -- house, cars, whatever -- within the next ten years, and if we are able to continue on our current budget and savings goals, that should be completed. Even more basic than that goal, I don't want to have to work to pay bills when I am old. So, for me, the most logical step in that direction is to work toward having NO bills when I am old. Is it possible? That's what I aim to discover. That's my mission; my Quest! Achieve as much "off grid" living as possible -- even here in the Blurbs -- and reap the rewards in my golden years. And, Honey, if you're reading this, I want you there with me too. Bill free and aging gracefully.

Oh, and, by the way, what are those ten valuable possessions, you ask? Well, that's a good question.

1. Besides a few little bumps and bruises, for the most part, my body works, and I am truly grateful for that. I realize this isn't a true "possession" in the sense of stuff, but I think it's very important, so it's my number 1.

2. My eye glasses. Without them, I would have a very tough time getting anything accomplished. These are a must have, and sadly, I must pay whatever they cost which is usually way too much, but I have had the same pair for six years now, and -- they are beginning to get a bit scratched -- but over the course of six years, not a bad investment.

3. My flip flops. It may sound crazy, but I am so happy that I have these little gems. They do almost everything you need shoes to do, and I usually pay less than two dollars a pair for them.

4. My minivan. I paid next to nothing for it. It's old and banged up, but it's a super comfy ride, and I'm thrilled to have it!

5. My library. I know I don't own the library, but I would be hard pressed to have the knowledge I have today -- and the ability to gain infinitely more -- without this local lifeline.

6. My easy chair. I spend way too much time there, but it's on my list.

7. My bed -- let's face it. We all gotta sleep, and I'm grateful I can do so in a comfy bed. Again, super cheap, super old, but super mine!

8. My kitchen. I am SO grateful to have a place to feed my family. Running water is a gift that we all take for granted. All my appliances are new -- bought with cash as the old ones that we bought with this house pooped out one by one. I know I could survive without these conveniences, but I don't have to do that yet, and I'm very happy!

9. My laptop. I won't elaborate. I just love this thing!

10. My dog. I got a little long-haired dachshund five years ago this month. His name is Oscar, and he was soon joined by two other dogs because he has a daddy. I like the other two okay, but my little Oscar is on my list because he really is my best friend.

Happy Homesteading!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Bag Garden 101

My husband and I have been reading all winter about how to grow your own food. I have a rather tan thumb, and most houseplants only last a few weeks around here (although I have great success with philodendron, hardy mums, and a few others); so I've been apprehensive and really looking for an easy way. However, easy is not nearly as important to me as cheap! With these things in mind, we began our search for information.

My parents, my husband, and I all really enjoy reading Mother Earth News, and stumbled on an idea through their publication of using bags of topsoil rather than digging, amending, etc. It's kind of like a sloppier version of the raised bed concept. I decided to give it a whirl!

The first piece of advice was to start small, so I purchased only 20 bags of top soil on sale at a local hardware store. They also had lots of seeds to choose from for 10 packets for a dollar. Dave also bought some peppers and okra seeds at retail (about a buck a packet). After planting, putting in tomato plants from the depot, and rabbit proof fencing, I have a total of less than $60 in my whole operation. I am also experimenting with using old tomatoes and onions that would have gone to my compost pile to see if I can get a few freebies -- they are planted on my front porch in large pots. And, as the reference to rotting veggies would indicate, I am also looking forward to NOT spending money on vegetables from the grocery that have already taken a turn for the worst without being detected before purchase.
My daughter, Grace, is getting into the spirit as well. Several months ago, in a large unused pot of soil that we had in the kitchen, she cut up and planted a sprouting potato. So far, she has a couple of plants that are looking pretty good. We have no idea what to expect, but she also planted a few other things in there -- I don't remember what they are. You can see them sprouting up there on the left. I read that potatoes will grow these nice plants all summer, and that you should harvest them after the plants die off. For my part, potatoes are so inexpensive in the store, and would require quite a bit of yard space to grow any significant amount that I'm really just not interested in planting them wholesale. We'll see what Grace comes up with and maybe next year I'll have a different outlook on growing potatoes.

Here is a close up on one of my bags. This one has either cucumbers or yellow squash. I can't tell them apart.

A super close up of one of my babies. Again, either yellow squash or cucumbers. I did write them down on a diagram because I am not ready to try to identify things by sight.

Last but not least, I took a photo of a dogwood I planted last spring in memoriam of my son, Anthony. We were happy that it came back this year and looks pretty good from the laymen's perspective.

Peuvent vous avez un beau jardin which is French for "May you have a beautiful garden!"

Monday, April 26, 2010

Newbie Alert!

Well, after browsing through all the fantastic blogs that I've stumbled on today, I've decided to take the plunge and begin blogging about my latest project -- to become more self-sufficient. What's more, we live on a fifth of an acre in the suburbs of Kansas City, so everything we can do will be interesting.

This week I am enjoying the sprouts of my newly planted bag garden! I put in the seeds about three weeks ago, and I already have a few babies peeking out of the ground! We put up rabbit fencing to prevent bun buns from eating the plants and veggies. We have LOTS of bun buns in the suburbs! My puppy dogs usually take care of them, but I actually have my yard split down the middle -- our neighbor has a mean dog that bites my little dachshunds every chance they get, so I had to take drastic action. Anyway, so my dogs can't get to the "garden side" of the yard.

I'll figure out how to get photos on here soon. For now, please feel free to send me lots of ideas, pictures, recipes, etc. about how to grow, store, and otherwise use fresh food.